First, we studied which seedlings lived and the few that were growing. The seedlings in heavily shaded areas (next to a downed logged or near watercourses) did the best. Seedlings in exposed or windy areas died or were about to die. Seedlings planted with the ability to catch water did better than those without some obstacle that held water.
In Dec 2003, we planted 1,200 seedlings at least 18 inches tall in a completely new way. Using an auger bit attached to a chain saw, holes 2 feet deep and about 9 inches wide were dug. Then about 6 inches of loose soil was thrown back into the hole before planting. After filling the air pockets and tamping down moderately, about 4 inches of duff (leaves, small branches, cones, from the surrounding forest ground) was added to the top of the hole to add insulation from the wind and sun. We planted the trees deep enough so the top of the 4 inches of duff still remained at least a couple inches below the contour of the ground. Planting this way accomplished 4 things:
2. The duff insulated the roots to help retain moisture thru the hot dry summer and fall.
3. The larger seedlings didn't need plastic tree protectors because deer could no longer pull the trees out of the ground if they nibbled off the tip.
4. Planting deep and below the contour of the land left pockets to collect extra rainwater and the roots were kept cooler year round at the added depth.